Girl practicing right mindfulness

“Mindfulness Made Easy: Embracing the Practice of Right Mindfulness”

Are you a busy person with a busy mind? Does your brain continue to process while you sleep? Humans require some downtime to unwind and re-energize our mind and soul. Here, the word “mindfulness” comes to mind. In this article, you will find answers to why, how and does. Also, Don’t forget to read the fun fact in the end.

The art of right mindfulness is observing your feelings without passing judgments on them as you experience them. In other words, one that is aware of every aspect i.e. thoughts, bodily sensations, and environment around himself or herself without feeling low or happy about them.

According to Buddha, the only way of letting go of all worldly worries and stress is to get free from attachments (upadana) or cravings (trsna) we have in our mind, which can be accomplished through meditation and mindfulness.

The best aspect of mindfulness is that it may be practiced anytime, anywhere, and regardless of location or day of the week. All You need is a mat and quiet surroundings to start.


Girl practicing the right mindfulness to achieve potential benefits

There are many potential advantages of right mindfulness, including improvements to one’s mental state in addition to physical ones. The benefits are as follows:

1.STRESS MANAGEMENT: People who practice right mindfulness are calmer and experience fewer anxiety disorders and panic attacks than people who are always under stress.

Stress has an impact on your physical and emotional health. In individuals who experience chronic stress, physical pain symptoms can be observed.

2. FOCUS: Undoubtedly decreased stress levels will eventually lead to more focus and productivity. When you are relaxed, it widens your horizon to grab more things and retain them.

3. LESS EMOTIONAL REACTIVITY: Research indicates that those who regularly practice mindfulness are more emotionally stable, self-aware, and self-assured in a variety of scenarios.

Moreover, they are better at handling conflicts.

4. RELATIONSHIPS: Right Mindfulness improves your interpersonal connections, whether at home or in business.

One can easily build connections and will be able to comprehend and respect other people’s decisions and space as mediation reduces anger and the fear of judgment.

5. BETTER PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH : In terms of physical health, it can be used to treat cardiac ailments, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and gastrointestinal issues.

Moving on to mental health, it helps people feel less stressed and anxious, sleep better, and develop self-awareness and consciousness.


Once you know the proper procedure, practicing appropriate mindfulness is as easy as pie and does not require any sweat, blood, or tears. Relaxing is essential in mindfulness training. Don’t worry, you won’t need to read numerous books to understand this; here is the simplified version.

Girl practicing breathing practices in  right mindfulness

GUIDED BREATHING simply refers to the breathing techniques you use to practice right mindfulness.

1.BREATHING CONSCIOUSLY: It means that you have to start with regular breathing and make it deep with each subsequent breath.

Your entire attention should be on your breath.

This form of meditation supports the physical examination of the body in addition to self-awareness. Examining the discomfort in your body is yet another aspect.

2. COUNTING BREATHS: It is more difficult than it first appears to be. Lie comfortably on the mat and count each inhales and exhalation.

Your breath count will initially be higher, but it will soon decrease as you take deeper breaths, which can only be accomplished with continuous practice.

3. DEEP BREATHING: It is usually referred to as diaphragmatic or belly breathing. This method of breathing benefits the respiratory system by allowing the body to absorb more oxygen.

Additionally, it has been shown to quickly lower tension and anxiety.

4. 2-4 TECHNIQUE: Use one of the 2-4 breathing techniques, inhaling for two counts and exhaling for four.

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is primarily in charge of the secretion of stress hormones, can be calmed and peripheral nervous system (PNS) gets stimulated by exhaling.

5. ENERGIZING BREATHS: Try this breathing technique the next time you’re feeling down.

Take two equal breaths in, keep the air in your lungs for a while, and then take a single, deep breath out. Repeat this technique for 3 or 4 times.

BODY SCANNING: Body scanning does not require any scanner other than your mind. It helps examine your emotional activity as well as some physical pains.

Body scanning in right mindfulness

1.Lie down on a mat on the ground in the supine position. Avoid doing this in bed because it will calm your thoughts and make you go to sleep.

2. Slowly inhale and pay attention to each region of your body. From your head to your toes, spread the energy throughout your body.

3. Make an effort to expel all the bad energy from your body and inhale some calming fresh air.

4. Release your body slowly and gradually until you experience a feeling of flight(just like you are flying in the air).

5. You’ll ultimately realize that your body feels a lot more at ease and content.

You can also try body scanning while seated. Relaxing the body and mind is the major goal.


Dily practice of right mindfulness

Mindfulness is not a weekly event, it should be practiced in daily routine. Your mind will become accustomed to it as a result of this. Here is some basic advice:

1.PAY ATTENTION TO TINY THINGS: It is usually said that we ignore little things to achieve big and move on easily by recognizing the little ones.

Analyze your surroundings until and unless you master every little touch and sense.

2.LIVE IN THE MOMENT: Set aside everything you have done and everything you will do, live in the present. People who overthink a lot tend to either live in the past or the future. They frequently miss out on small moments of delight.

3. ACCEPTANCE: You should accept the way you are. Be kind to yourself and never body shame yourself even as a joke. You are the most important person and you are not created to fulfill the arbitrary beauty standards of society.

4.PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BREATHING: Many apps may be used to count your breaths and meditate. Relax both physically and psychologically while listening to music. Watch how many breaths you take in and out each minute.


It all started when I was diagnosed with depression. My therapist advised me to meditate and practice mindfulness. I spent a lot of time doing that, but it had no real effect. After some time, my mother, a yoga instructor, told me that I was doing it all wrong. She showed me the right procedures and methods. Surprisingly, I was able to overcome my depression after using it consistently every day for almost six months. So yes, it worked for me as a miracle, so can for you.

Even now, because it helps me so much, I make sure to meditate for at least 15 minutes.

FUN FACT : Consistently practicing mindfulness can increase your brain’s neuroplasticity. This means that people who practiced mindfulness and meditation had more grey matter in specific parts of their brains, which aids in improving memory, learning, and focus.

So I think you still have chances of being a genius. (haha)

Everybody has a unique lifestyle and daily schedule, but starting small every day at least for 10 minutes is not a big deal.

It’s never too late, but if you wait around and think a lot about it, it will be too late.
So Start now.

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