“Embrace the Present: Making Every Day Count to the Fullest”
“We only live once”. All of us have at least once heard this statement. But do we know what it means? According to this statement, every human being only has one shot to live, and if we blow it, all we have are regrets when we die. So now The question then arises, “How do I make it happen?” Here that some ways through which you can make your everyday count.
The majority of us work all week and look forward to the weekend. We have plans for the current week’s Fridays and Saturdays as well as for the one after that. This means that we only ENJOYED and LIVED 3 days of the week not 7 because the rest of the 4 days we just SPENT and trust me there is a difference.
How we spent our life is influenced by how we spent our day. In the first year of my weight loss, I set a goal of losing 24 kg, which at first glance sounded simple but proved to be challenging once I started working out. My biggest mistake was not concentrating on my daily caloric intake and exercise schedule.
Long-term commitments initially appear enticing and doable, but it is really difficult to stick with them.
Who wants to live a life filled with regrets over things they could have done but didn’t because they were lazy or too busy? We only have one life, which means we only get one chance to either make it heaven or hell. We won’t have enough time to work on the things we want if we keep squandering time on web series, shows, or other activities that only use up our energy and nothing else.
Once you start working on yourself, your goals, and your priorities, trust me you will be the happiest, most sorted, and most confident person ever.
It’s never too late to do things that you have never done in your life, you still have time. Luckily, it’s not the end of the world now. Here are 15 things that you should immediately add to your routine now without giving it a second thought.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get up early. When you get out of bed early, you discover that your days are longer than those of those who are still asleep. You still have 24 hours, though, hehe. Not only can you make greater plans, but you can also carry them out.
And trust me sunrises are the best thing that you can start your productive mornings with. Not only will you be eager to put in more effort, but you’ll also come to appreciate how much you accomplished in the end.

I know it can be fussy when you don’t have a proper plan for the day. You have a lot of things in your head but you fail to stand up to your goals of the day. After enjoying the sunrise, go and make a to-do list for yourself. If you are an early bird then you can make it in advance, a day prior.
In the short term, it is the best technique to learn and practice time management. Moreover, a list will help you to prioritize your work and you will never run out of time at the last minute.

It’s high time now that you have been doing things for other people. Stop and sit down. Take a deep breath and spend some time quality time with yourself. Have positive self-talk with yourself just for 5 minutes a day and you will realize how strong, confident, bold, and beautiful you are.
Alternatively, you can go on solo coffee dates or movie dates or practice some self-care. Journaling can be another way to keep an eye on you and your emotions.

Until and unless you don’t know where your destination is it doesn’t matter which road you take. It’s important to have a vision board in front of your study table or in whichever room you live in because it will keep motivated you on the right path.
You can stick some quotes, pictures, cutouts, or some affirmations which give you some chills and dopamine secretions(that motivate you) whenever you look at the board. moreover, you can also paste some pictures of future you. For instance some millionaire pictures or the type of lifestyle and the cars you want to own.

This is the best way to upgrade your life and make everyday count. Every new day you should have a new goal only when you have completed your previous day’s goal. Make sure that your goals are achievable and realistic.
Don’t make unrealistic goals such as quitting using your phone for the next 24 hours. this is not true because sometimes you may have an emergency. Once you have goals set for the day, make a plan on how are you going to execute them. Just making plans won’t help you to succeed, honey.

Trust me or not your first meal tells how your day is going to be. Funny and interesting at the same time, right? Let me make it simple for you. If you have a big mac and cheeseburger for breakfast, how is your day going to be boring, lethargic, and lazy? However on the other hand, if you have a smoothie or a bowl of salad, you are going to be proactive, isn’t it?
Having healthy eating habits will help your body to detoxify and keep it light. Moreover, it will also decrease the chances of chronic diseases such as heart failure which means you can live more.

As our body is a machine like in every machine we have an off button, similarly, we have a sleeping option. sleep. Sleeping not only aids in physical
relaxation but also assists in resetting negative emotions for the next day. You should at least get 8 hours of sleep every day so that your mind and body relax peacefully. Sleeping disorders can also hinder your productivity as you will feel more irritated and exhausted.

Exercise is yet another good habit that will give you long-lasting benefits without any side effects. Moreover,will help you to be more active and energized for the entire day. Your workout sessions will not only help to burn your calories but will lead to some endorphin secretions which will make
you happy. This is the ultimate way to make your everyday count.

Life is too short to hold grudges against someone you love. Sit with them. Talk to them. Tell them how much you love them. Spend some quality time together before it’s too late. Plan out casual day outs or go on a vacation with your parents.
Remember, they need you as much as you do. engage in conversation with your friends, go and grab some drinks with them, and enjoy your day and life with them.

Your time management is key to the lock to every door of your success. The more you master this skill eventually you will be successful and you can
be a multi-tasker. But the effective way to manage your time is to start small and START. Most of the time, we just make up reasons like, “I’ll start time management tomorrow or when I learn how to do it first then I will start,” but those days never come. Make an action plan after creating a to-do list to get your day started.

This is one habit that will truly make your everyday count. Be kind, and show your love, gratitude, and thankfulness to every other person around you. Maybe it can be your house help or any other person. Give them a flower or a chocolate and greet them where ever meet maybe at the supermarket or the street. This way you will learn how to appreciate what you have in life and always be happy about it.

Making your everyday count with reading is just incredible. Reading is the best way to level up your knowledge. It is advised that you should read 10 pages of non-fictional books every day. This may include topics such as finance, self-improvement, productivity, or the best ways to make money.
Reading will not only help you to widen your horizon of thinking but will also help you to get some financial freedom and find purpose in your life.

Stop running around things that cause you discomfort or unhappiness. Maybe it can be because your relationship is falling apart or maybe you are not getting a desired job .Have control over your late-night overthinking series.
Once you start simplifying your life, you will feel more delighted spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Moreover, it is impossible to be productive if your mind is chaotic and filled with undesired thoughts.

Recall your creator, who has provided for you since the moment of your birth. To unwind your body, mind, and spirit, try mindfulness exercises, yoga, and meditation. You only need to practice for 10 or 15 minutes a day to get started. You’ll gradually experience less fatigue and greater enlightenment. Your level of composure and tranquility will replace your anger, stress, and anxiety issues.

Having a good laugh is the most engaging method to make every day count and be exciting. The best medicine is laughing, as someone once said. It not only helps in stress reduction but also improves the efficiency of our breathing. You can choose to watch your preferred comedian or perhaps a cartoon that you still enjoy. A happy existence requires a good, loud, and stress-free laugh.
I know you can do this and make your everyday count just give it a start .remember, Rome was not built in a day. Consistency will even make your life more contented and enjoyable.